Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pet Society - Coins + Exp cheat (not working well)

Seems like alot of people are saying this cheat doesn't work. I cant really test it out now as im still overseas and my laptop has no programs to debug it for you guys. So i would say, don't bother trying out unless you have the time. Btw, flash 9 needed for this to search for all the 4 arrays.

Credits: EnrikezZ. Source: Justin

Tools (all can be downloaded from our tools section):

  • ce5.5
  • firefox
  • flash 9
  1. Go into Pet Society
  2. Brush your pet till you get coins.
  3. Open ce5.5
  4. Select browser in the process list (tick hex, value type: "array of bytes", tick "also scan read-only memory"
  5. Scan "0F 84 DD 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B 73 08 8B 8E EC"
  6. 1 address returned. Right click and disassemble.
  7. You will see the line "je XXXXXX" (X = digits)
  8. Right click this line and select "replace with code that does nothing"
  9. New scan "0F 8F B6 05 00 00 8B 7D D0 8B 87 20 02 00 00" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
  10. New scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B 48 74" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
  11. New scan "FF 51 0C 83 C4 0C C7 43 20 00 00 00 00 8B 5D" in ce5.5 and repeat steps 6-8.
  12. Now go back to Pet Society and brush or wash your pet and coins will start rolling in.
flash 9 needed for addresses

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