Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Farm Valley on Facebook - coins+exp

Credits RedScarlet @ pwnthis


  • ce5.5
  • firefox

1. Go into Farm Valley ( http://apps.facebook.com/farmvalley/play.php )
2. Select firefox.exe in CE 5.5
3. Change value type to 'binary'
4. Scan current coin value
5. Get some coins or spend some coins
6. NEXT scan new coin value
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till 1 address remains
8. Change the value to any binary value. If you are not sure of binaries, just put ALOT of 1111111111111111111
9.Get some coins or spend some coins and then you'll see your new coin (Still Saves After Refresh)

EXP Hack Steps:
1. Go into Farm Valley ( http://apps.facebook.com/farmvalley/play.php )
2. Select firefox.exe in CE 5.5
3. Change value type to 'binary'
4. Scan current EXP
5. Plow or do something to change you EXP
6. NEXT scan new EXP
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till 1 address remains
Change the value to any binary value. If you are not sure of binaries, just put ALOT of 1111111111111111111
9.Get some coins or spend some coins and then you'll see your level rise up (Still Saves After Refresh)

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